Serra Club of Wagga Wagga

Our Serra Club is located in the Diocese of Wagga Wagga and gained its Charter on the 24th October 1981.

The Bishop of Diocese of Wagga Wagga is Most Reverend Mark Edwards OMI.

“To take on the role of a Serran is indeed a special commitment. It is a call to improve our own spiritual life.” Andrew Kennedy, Wagga Wagga Serra Club Past President



Members meet every month from February to November.

Every 1st Friday 7.00pm Mass for Vocations
Every 2nd Tuesday 6.15pm Meeting, 7.00pm Mass, 7.30pm Supper. Bring a meal to share
Venue Vianney College, Durack Circuit, Boorooma NSW

The Board of Trustees meet every second month from February to December.

Every 1st Wednesday 7.30pm Meeting
Venue St Michael's Parish Centre, Johnson St, Wagga Wagga


Venue and times

Bishops Chapel, Cross St, Wagga Wagga
Monday to Friday 8 AM – 9 PM

Adoration Chapel, Holy Trinity Church, Bardia St, West Wagga Wagga
Parking available at the rear of the church
Friday 9 PM – Saturday 7 AM

Adorers attend for one hour and we endeavour to have two people rostered each hour.


Adoration is not held on public holidays and is in recess from a few days before Christmas until the first Monday of February each year.

Annual Mass

First Monday of each September: 8 AM

An Annual Mass is held at the Calvary Chapel to celebrate the commencement of another year of Adoration.

This year is our 20th year and Mass will be held on Monday, 1st of September.  All Adorers and others are encouraged to attend.


Names and contact details of the coordinators that look after each hour are listed on the right hand side of the printed rosters displayed at each chapel.

Roster coordinator: John Evans 02 6922 6287


Significant announcements regarding adoration appear in the Sunday Bulletins of our four Wagga Wagga parishes.


The word VACANCY is shown with an orange background where new adorers are needed to maintain the two people per hour.  If you wish to join the roster you may select an hour where a vacancy exists and contact the coordinator for that hour to confirm your desire to join the roster.

Roster changes

To ensure that at least one person is in attendance each hour, if unable to attend adorers are requested to contact the other person on their hour, their  ” prayer partner”  and if both are unable to attend they should contact the coordinator for their hour who will then arrange for a substitute.


Anyone who would like to be involved, but cannot commit to a set hour each week, can  volunteer as  a substitute and may then be called on to fill an hour as required. They should not feel guilty or obligated If they are unable, to assist , on a particular hour as others are always available.

Board of Trustees

The club Board of  Trustees for 2023 – 2024 are:

Chaplain Father Rick Micallef
President Andrew Kennedy
President Elect David Drum
Secretary Michelle Vieira
Treasurer Katrina Cooper
Vice-President Communications Andrew Kennedy
Vice-President Membership Phil McCarron
Vice-President Programme Di Kennedy
Vice-President Vocations Wendy Cattell
Jubilarian Kay Judd
Trustees John Mason

For general enquiries please contact

Andrew Kennedy (Club President) on

Please send correspondence to

The Secretary, Serra Club of Wagga Wagga,
PO Box 16, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 or

For enquiries regarding Adoration please contact

John (Adoration roster coordinator) on
02 69226287